Webinar Recap: You Asked, We Listened

If you’ve been following our blog, you’ve likely heard about our new initiative, #YouAskedWeListened. This week, UX Designer, Michelle Blake, and Product Manager, Rachael Axtman, hosted a webinar where they provided more insight into this initiative. They shared how we collect customer feedback, perform user testing, conduct customer interviews, and analyze user metrics in order to make our software easier to use.

Rachael and Michelle discussed some of the recent usability enhancements we’ve made to our software, including:

They also previewed some exciting new features that are coming in the near future and answered questions from attendees. Michelle and Rachael received a lot of questions, and unfortunately didn’t have time to answer all of them during the webinar. To help answer the questions that were not covered, we recommend checking out the following resources:

  • How-to questions: There were a number of questions around how to use specific features within FRONTSTEPS. Our team hosts weekly training sessions for Managers and Admins where they cover the basics of FRONTSTEPS and answer specific questions from attendees. Be sure to visit our training schedule and sign up for a session!
  • Form builder: Several customers wanted to learn more about our new form builder tool, eForms. We hosted a webinar a couple months back previewing the tool while it was still in beta. Please note that this feature is only available to Connect customers. If you’re interested in upgrading to Connect, please email [email protected] and a member of our team will be in touch.
  • Provide your feedback: As mentioned in the webinar, we have an awesome online tool called Productboard that allows customers to submit ideas for new features, vote on features, and view the product roadmap. We rely on your feedback to make our product even better, so be sure to share your recommendations today!
  • Customer support: We also received questions about specific customer accounts. If you have a question that requires our assistance, please submit a ticket to our support team using our convenient online form: http://go.frontsteps.com/Create-a-Case.html.

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