Staying Successful While Working Remote

Since many of us transitioned to work from home in March we’ve fought new battles. Tons of businesses don’t have future plans to go back into the office, and work from home is our new normal.

For a prevalent amount of individuals, the lack of separation between home and work has been a struggle. Back in April we created a post focused around “How to Efficiently Work from Home”, it’s time to brush up on this topic and target issues that might be causing some stress.  

While working from home can be a blessing, it possesses its own set of difficulties, that many people need to identify and cope with before being productive.

Set a Strong Intention!

According to Thomas Frank a YouTube creator who focuses on productivity, it’s important to set these intentions prior to starting your day. He recommends choosing no more than three intentions per day. Many people find it beneficial to write these tasks out on a piece of paper you can physically see and touch. This helps you mentally commit to those intention. Thomas says, don’t stop until that first task is completed.

Set Boundaries!

Paige Cohen a Senior Associate Editor at Harvard Business Review has noted, that creating boundaries for yourself while working from home is essential. If you don’t set these expectations for yourself you could suffer from burn out, or struggle getting anything done during your workday. It’s imperative that you create and find a “Dedicated Workspacewithin your home. Not only will this help separate home life and work life, but it can help change your mindset when it’s time to get to business. Many people also find that shutting the door is necessary. This can help you block out, a spouse, animals, and external noises that create distractions throughout the day.

Eliminate Distractions!

Get rid of these inconveniences prior to starting your work. This could mean, putting your cell phone in a different room, turning off the TV, and feeding your animals before getting focused for the workday.

All of these tips are great and might help you be more productive throughout the day. But the number one tip across a variety of platforms says, “Maintain a Routine  

“Setting a schedule not only provides structure to the day, it also helps you stay motivated./a>

Don’t forget to celebrate our wins! When we are in an office environment it’s easy to seek advice, help, and get praise from associates. Don’t forget to celebrate your own wins while working from home. Write out your accomplishments, share them with friends and be proud of the quality work you’re accomplishing.

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