Why Your Team is a Critical Component of a Successful Resident Engagement Strategy

Over the last few weeks we’ve defined what resident engagement is, why it’s important for management companies, and how a tool like FRONTSTEPS can help you create a long-term strategy. Once you get your residents to login to the portal, your job is far from done; in fact, it’s just getting started.

You have to continuously provide value to residents by posting engaging content that keeps them coming back. If a resident logs in to a barren portal, the likelihood they’ll be motivated to continue logging in goes down tremendously. Think about it. If you logged into Facebook and your News Feed was always empty, would there be any reason to continue logging? The same is true for residents. If they login to FRONTSTEPS and there’s nothing to see, there’s very little reason for them to login or use the portal at all.

That’s why posting interesting, informative content is a vital step in getting residents engaged with both the portal and your community. The best part? Residents want this kind of information. Seven in 10 residents report that a community newsletter, bulletin board, and event notices were important things they want from the community. So give the people what they want!

We recommend keeping residents engaged by using:

  • Events
  • Bulletins
  • The Forum
  • Reminders
  • And more

For ideas on how to use these various features to keep residents engaged, download your free copy of our six-step resident engagement guide!

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