Webinar Recap: Form Builder Preview

In last week’s release notes, we announced the launch of the first version of our form builder tool in FRONTSTEPS. To get the word out about the release of this highly requested feature, our Director of Marketing, Sam Oh, hosted a short and informative webinar on the topic.

With his previous experience increasing conversion rates on insurance lead forms, Sam kicks off the webinar by sharing best practices around creating forms. Forms are essentially surveys and are a simple way to collect information and/or get feedback from your residents. If you want people to fill out your survey, you ideally want to:

  • Avoid making everything required
  • Keep forms as short as possible

Sam also walks attendees through the new form builder tool. It’s important to note that this is just the first version of this tool. Our team is planning to make enhancements to it over the next several months, but we need your help! You can submit your recommendations on feature enhancements through our digital product board.

Finally, there were some great questions that came out of this webinar that we wanted to share.

  • Which roles can create forms? Can you limit it by role? Only Managers can create forms. There currently is not the ability to limit it by role.
  • Who can see responses for a form? Only Managers can view form responses.
  • Are draft forms only visible to the person who created it? Draft forms are visible to all Managers, even those who did not create the draft.
  • What’s the maximum file size that can be uploaded in a form? 5MB.

To learn more about form builder, watch the webinar below!

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