3 Questions to Help You Analyze Community Security

Crime happens everywhere, and as a property management company, it’s critical that you have the proper measures in place to prevent crime. However, in a recent consumer market study performed by our team, we found that improving safety and security does not resonate with the vast majority of property management companies. Don’t wait until a crime happens to make security a priority. Here are three questions you should ask yourself when analyzing the safety of your communities.

1). What are the local laws surrounding security?

It’s vital that your properties operate within all local laws. The Premises Liability Law, for example, makes securing your communities a necessity rather than a luxury. Laws, which vary from state to state, can make simple requirements, such as requiring property owners to make reasonable inspections to ensure it’s in safe condition, to more complex ones like taking necessary steps to secure the property specifically against criminal acts by third parties. Consult your legal team to ensure you’re aware of all relevant security laws, and that your property properly abides by them.

2). Do we need to hire third party security?

While it’s great to encourage a neighborhood watch, that shouldn’t be the only form of security within your community. Security is so important and should be left up to the professionals. On the other hand, it’s recommended that you hire security outside of your community. If you have a resident or board member offer to secure your community, that can be a conflict of interest and can put both parties in an awkward situation when something goes wrong. Play it safe and look for experts outside of your community to keep it safe and secure.

3). Which tools do we need to invest in to properly secure the community?

Security isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution; you need to find something that addresses the unique needs of your community. Not every community needs closed circuit cameras around every corner, while others have no need for guard and gate functionality. At the same time, if you currently have security hardware in place, look for a provider that can integrate it so you’re not spending thousands of dollars to rip and replace. Find a provider that will help you identify exactly what you need to properly protect your community to ensure you’re not spending more than you need to be.

For additional tips on improving security in your community, get your free copy of our 7-Step Checklist for Securing Your Community.

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