The Importance of Forensic Data for HOA, COA, and PMC Security

We are a data driven society. The need to know facts is critical. When, where, why, how much and when it comes to security for PMCs, HOAs, and COAs, data is paramount. Adam Lake, FRONTSTEPS Director of Security Sales, says that forensic data is invaluable to building a truly secure community. 

“Security personnel need to be able to get down into the details about a specific event and trace backwards,said Lake. “There’s tremendous value in this information.nbsp;

Here’s an example of a common area incident as for the most part, any use of forensic data is always incident driven. Let’s say on a Sunday morning, the pool area is trashed. Garbage, wet towels, cans, and BBQ detritus is strewn all around. With a comprehensive security solution, staff can quickly determine several facts: 

  • When the pool gate was opened
  • Who opened it? 
  • Was it left open after that? 

With these details, it’s clear what happened. Jimmy used his key card to access the pool gate and then propped it open so all his buddies could enter! (Jimmy’s parents aren’t going to be too happy). 

Now, a proactive use of forensic data. Several residents have reported that the drivers are tailgating cars into the community through the gate. With a video solution, guards can review the following: 

  • Which vehicles that are facilitating this action
  • Is there a pattern to when the cars are entering?
  • Are there any other incidents that have happened during the time frame that cars have been illegally allowed into a community? 

“Forensics allows us to digitally search the data more extensively,said Lake, “and pivot around the event to determine if there’s anything else involved with this scenario.nbsp;

In this case, the gate may need to be closed sooner or the resident(s) may need reminders about how visitor management should be handled. Or perhaps there are car break-ins soon after the cars are making their way, illegally, into your neighborhood. Security staff can collect all the relevant details, license plates, times, and dates and present the police with an aggregate of information. In any case, wasting time literally rewinding video tape or pouring over paper log books is inefficient and simply cannot present the information in a comprehensive way. 

Security is complicated and requires many moving parts. Interested in learning more about you can start to tighten up security in your community? Download our checklist, 7 Tips to Properly Secure Your Community.

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