It’s Hurricane Season

When it comes to protecting your association there are many things you can prevent. However, when it comes to protecting your communities from natural disasters there is only so much you can do. The 2020 Atlantic Hurricane Season occurs from June 1st to November 30th. According the Colorado State University Tropical Meteorology Project, they are predicting an above-average hurricane season. The team has forecasted 16 named storms, 8 of which include hurricanes. With those predictions in mind, it’s important to prepare now for the coming tropical season ahead.

“This could be a very active season,” said AccuWeather meteorologist Dan Kottlowski. “The more active the season, the more likely we’ll have at least one, two or three major events.” Many professionals are speculating that this season will be challenging not only because of the storms, but because of the continued COVID-19 struggles.

Astrid Caldas, a climate scientist, said: “The intersection of the pandemic with hurricane season is unprecedented and unfortunate, as it will play out as FEMA’s resources and staff are stretched thin with the pandemic response and a series of disasters since 2017, which will make it harder for the agency to rise to the challenge of simultaneously occurring disasters.”

While many communities are trying to regroup from COVID-19, taking time to prepare and remind homeowners of hurricane plans is extremely important. A few standard things that should be found within your emergency plan include, contact information, responsibilities of board members, homeowners and management, as well as a list of services that will be unavailable during, and after a hurricane. You should also revisit checklists that address;

1. Actions for the community’s incident commander

2. Tasks that residents should complete before they evacuate

3. Pre-storm and post-storm communications

4. Post-storm grounds survey and cleanup

5. Post-storm inspection of residential units

Communication is important during times of crisis, and after the storm has passed. Make sure homeowners and board members are aware of who is in charge, and who they can contact for questions and help. Within your community plan, identify if any ham radio operators live in the community or in the immediate area in the event that cell towers are inoperable. If you are looking for more efficient ways to communicate with your community prior to the storms check out this guide!

Hopefully these tips can help you when revisiting your community hurricane plan! Interested in more information about this season? Checkout this video from AccuWeather.


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