Case Study: HOA Websites

Summer’s in full swing. That means clouds of sun screen and swimming pools packed to capacity.

During one such picture perfect Virginia Beach pool day, the scene came to an unfortunate halt, when pool-goers began to complain about feeling like they were getting shocked. Thankfully, pool managers acted quickly, cleared the area, and called medics. With some thorny issues to tackle, including communication, injury, accountability, and follow up, the HOA took control. 

After immediate needs were met, HOA managers took to their community website to inform all the neighborhood residents about the incident (including the date, time, and key facts) and the subsequent pool closure. This quick action staved off any hint of misinformation among residents. The HOA team then communicated details about the other neighborhood amenities that weren’t affected and indicated how residents should follow up about the incident. Clear and concise. 

“It’s critical to communicate early and often when incidents occur,” said Matt DeWolf, VP of Product Management. “Taking advantage of messaging tools that only your residents are privy to is especially important in this type of situation.” 

The HOA also indicated they weren’t going to answer any questions or discuss the situation on social media, another strong move on their part. Furthermore, they invited residents to attend the next board meeting where the issue would be addressed in detail. 

The HOA-resident relationship should be harmonious and it can be when everyone takes advantage of smart communication tools. 

“The proactive and positive approach that this group took is model behavior,” said DeWolf. 

The FRONTSTEPS team wishes all who were affected a speedy recovery. Read the entire story here.

Does your community currently have an incident response plan in place? If not, get your free copy of our Incident Response Guide!

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