6 Benefits of Xeriscaping Your Community

With record droughts and major cities facing the very real possibility of water shortages in the not so distant future, there’s more emphasis than ever before on conserving one of our most precious resources, water. While well-manicured lawns and luscious plants look beautiful, they require a ton of water to stay green throughout the hot summer months.

Xeriscaping was coined by Denver Water in the 1980’s as a way to create beautiful landscapes while conserving water. This strategy initially gained popularity in dry regions, which is why so many associate the word with cactuses and rocks, however, xeriscaping looks far different from city to city depending on the climate. In a rainy area, xeriscaping can include moisture-loving plants, while in a prairie region, it could include decorative grasses and wildflowers.

Thinking of implementing a xeriscaping strategy in your community? Here are the six biggest benefits it provides.

Reduce water waste

Over 50% of residential water usage goes towards landscaping and lawns. Xeriscaping can reduce landscape water usage by 50 to 75%!

Reduce maintenance

Maintaining turf-rich landscapes is time consuming. If it rains frequently, you need to cut the grass more often. If it doesn’t rain, you need to work harder to keep the grass alive. Maintenance is minimal with xeriscaping as you’re focused on planting items that naturally thrive in that area. Water requirements are low, and only occasional pruning and weeding is necessary.

Reduce costs

Between cutting down on maintenance and water usage, your community is going to save a ton of money in the long term with xeriscaping. Think of all the ways your current budget for watering and maintenance can be reapplied throughout the community!

Reduce fertilizer usage

Another benefit of taking advantage of native plants is that you won’t have to use chemical supplements to help them stay healthy and grow. Simple organic soil is the only supplement needed to help maintain a healthy xeriscaped landscape.

Reduce pollution

By removing acres of sod, you’ll also be helping the environment by reducing the need for gas-powered mowers. Your neighbors will also be happy as they’ll no longer be woken up to the sound of lawnmowers early in the morning.

Improve the overall look of your community

Dead grass and plants struggling to survive is an eyesore for any community. By planting items that thrive in your climate, you’ll never again have to deal with this dilemma.

For additional ways to keep your community thriving, download our six-step guide.

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