Your Guide to Creating a LinkedIn Business Page

Over the past month we have spent time talking about the importance of having a presence on social media and encouraged you to start your social strategy with Facebook. Once you’ve established your Facebook Business Page, have started consistently sharing content, and have attempted to get more followers and engagement through boosted posts, it might be time for you to expand your social presence to another platform, LinkedIn.

As mentioned before, you should only create a social account if you can commit to actively posting and checking it on a frequent basis. Creating an account and never posting on it does more harm than good.

Why LinkedIn?

With over 562 million users, LinkedIn is one of the most popular social networks and is the social network for professionals. According to, 25% of all U.S. adults are on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is an excellent social network for property management companies to have a presence on as:

  • It helps them further establish their reputation for prospective customers who are using LinkedIn for research purposes
  • It provides excellent targeting opportunities to help them get their name in front of relevant prospective customers
  • It’s an excellent vehicle to share content they’ve created with a community of like-minded individuals

Key components of a LinkedIn page

The great thing about building a Facebook strategy first is that you can pull from it to build out your LinkedIn strategy. You’ll find several similarities between your Facebook Business Page and LinkedIn page. Here’s what your LinkedIn page needs to have:

  • Website: link back to your main website. Do not link to other social media accounts (i.e. your Facebook Business Page).
  • Headquarters: where is your office located?
  • Year founded: when did you open?
  • Company size: how many employees work for your company?
  • Specialties: what services do you offer?
  • Address: the specific location of your brick and mortar office. Do not use a P.O. box or the address of a property you manage.
  • About us: tell your story here. What’s your company’s mission and/or purpose? How many properties do you have in your portfolio? How have you grown over time? What makes your property management company different from your competitors?
  • Profile image: use your logo here.
  • Banner image: you can use the same image as the timeline banner on your Facebook page.

Stay engaged

Don’t simply setup your page and forget about it. Give people a reason to follow your page by posting on it frequently. You can utilize the same content you’re sharing on your Facebook page, however, we recommend tweaking the posts slightly so you don’t sound repetitive. When people ask questions on your posts, be sure to respond in a timely manner!

Looking for additional ways to improve your overall strategy? Get your free copy of our whitepaper, Key Strategies to Promote an Informed and Efficient Community.

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