Three Steps to Secure Your Community

As a property management company or HOA, it’s crucial to do everything within your power to keep your community safe. In the United States alone:

  • There were 9.3 million property crimes in 2016
  • A home burglary occurs every 13 seconds
  • Nearly 66% of burglaries are home break-ins

Even more shocking is that the majority of property crimes go unsolved. In 2015, only 19% of property crimes reported to police were cleared. Don’t wait until a crime happens in your community to make safety improvements. Consider implementing the following steps to help make your community safer for residents.

Conduct a Security Audit

One of the first steps to securing your community is to identify what must be protected (both physical items and residents), as well as determine all potential threats against your community and develop tactics to prevent them. This process, known as a security audit, will enable you to recognize and address any vulnerabilities within your community

Utilize Landscaping

When talking security, people immediately think of locks and alarms within the physical property. Take security a step further and utilize landscaping to help deter and detect potential criminals. Burglars target properties that are easily accessible, have a significant amount of cover, and offer simple escape routes. Keep this in mind when planning to revamp landscaping.

Educate Your Residents

Informed residents create safer communities. Educate residents on important security tips within bulletins and your community newsletter. Find opportunities, such as board meetings, to review safety and security policies. When something does happen, be sure to inform residents immediately, either through email, text messaging, or bulletins. Being transparent when issues do arise will help reassure residents that your team is on top of the issue and dedicated to keeping the community safe. 

For additional safety tips, get your free copy of our 7-Step Checklist for Securing Your Community today!

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