Improving Homeowner Relationships

“Every single interaction, the most minute details of the interaction you have with your customer, are an opportunity for you to create something remarkable Joey Coleman

Client relationships are the foundation of any business. Forbes released an article in 2019 including 8 ways to improve these relationships, and here are a few key takeaways

1.    First impressions are everything.

You have a small window of opportunity to make a quality impression. During this time you have to communicate effectively and build trust. It’s also important to do a little bit of information searching during this interaction. Ask how this client prefers to communicate, and what they are looking for. By establishing this first you’re on correct road to build trust and loyalty.

2.    You’re on the same team!

Acknowledge your client as an individual and not just as a member of the community you serve. Be open and transparent about the end goal you need to accomplish for the community. You can communicate this by sharing your knowledge and providing insight to the homeowner. This also contributes to building trust. A management teams goal is to enhance the value of homes within the neighborhoods serve, convey that you both are working on the same team, and have the same end goals.

3.    Make life easy for them.

Over communicate! According to Kuester Management Group consistent and detailed communication goes a long way! They go further and mention, “it’s unwise to simply tell a resident he or she needs to do this or do that. Instead, make it a priority to always explain the circumstances, to expound upon what the rules are and why they must be enforced, and to make it clear that you are treating all residents fairly. Being proactive in this way is often very helpful.You have to remember all clients communicate differently. Having many different avenues of transmitting information from your management office is key. Make sure your management team is making notes of every communication sent and received from homeowners, so the entire office is on the same page. Nothing is more frustrating for a client than having many individuals involved and having to repeat themselves multiple times. Remember that timely, efficient communication should be a priority!

Since COVID-19 many businesses aren’t allowing walk in visits, because of this you might not be interacting with community members as often. It might be a good idea to send an email or call members for a “Check In! During this time they can ask questions, catch up, and you’re leaving them with a positive interaction, as well as making them feel cared for.

Another way you can let homeowners know that you are still around and working towards bettering the community is by offering ZOOM or Facetime meetings. Face-to-face interaction is quicker and more effective than other types of communication. Clients and management teams also build stronger connections and have better understanding through these “in persontransactions than others.

Maintaining happy homeowners is essential within all the communities you serve. Making great impressions, working together, and serving them are just three of the ways you can improve and create lasting loyal client relationships.

Ready to facilitate better communication with your homeowners? Check out the multitude of communication options FRONSTEPS Portals offer! Connect with a FRONTSTEPS representative today.

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