FRONTSTEPS Gives – Meals on Wheels

Today we’re showcasing a recent FRONTSTEPS initiative, FRONTSTEPS Gives. Through this program, FRONTSTEPS supports organizations that help people live safely, thrive within their communities, and prosper equitably in society.  

The first charity we’d like to introduce is Meals on Wheels. Meals on Wheels operates in virtually every community in America through its network of more than 5,000 independently-run local programs. While the diversity of each program’s services and operations may vary based on the needs and resources of their communities, they are all committed to supporting their senior neighbors to live healthier and more nourished lives in their own homes. Together, they galvanize the resources of local community organizations, businesses, donors, sponsors, and more than two million volunteers bolstered by supplemental funding from the Older Americans Act into a national safety net for seniors. At the core of the Meals on Wheels, service is a nutritious meal, companionship, and a watchful eye on the health and safety of our seniors.  

Many of the communities that use the FRONTSTEPS family of products cater specifically to seniors. In those communities, as in all the communities we serve, our goals of transforming the way they live, engage, and prosper aligns with those of Meals on Wheels to help seniors live healthier and more nourished lives in their own homes. Meals on Wheels takes care of customers by utilizing local leadership to curate programs based on the needs and resources of the local community.  

The FRONTSTEPS Gives program allows individual employees to contribute to Meals on Wheels through convenient payroll deductions and FRONTSTEPS matches each employee contribution to extend the impact! The FRONTSTEPS Family is dedicated to addressing some of the most critical issues facing our society today, and we believe it starts with generosity through giving.