How to Run an Engaging Facebook Business Page

Last week we highlighted the importance of having a social media marketing strategy and recommended starting with Facebook. In this post, we provided tips on how to create and optimize your Facebook Business Page. Today we’re going to cover engagement, focusing on how you can maintain an active Business Page.

Develop a Posting Cadence

It simply does not make sense to setup a Facebook page, or any social media profile for that matter, and not use it. Having a page that you never post on and don’t respond to comments can leave a bad impression on prospective customers researching your business. To avoid this, we recommend developing a posting cadence to ensure you’re adding engaging content to your page on a frequent basis.

When getting started, keep it simple! Commit to posting content three times per week, such as Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, for example. This will help you ease into your social media strategy without it becoming time consuming and overwhelming.

Mix Up Your Content

To keep your page interesting for followers, we recommend mixing up the type of content you’re posting. Potential ideas include:

  • Blog posts you’ve written
  • Photos from community events
  • Profiling different customers
  • Curated third party content
  • Upcoming event information
  • Inspiring quotes
  • Photos and posts highlighting your company’s

If you can commit to writing one blog post per week, that then becomes one of your three weekly social posts. Browse the internet for news that’s relevant to the communities you serve and share those articles with a brief overview on your thoughts on the subject. Are your communities doing exciting things, such as volunteering or implementing new programs for residents? Highlight these accomplishments, and include photos, in a Facebook post. 

Did you know 46% of users will unfollow a brand on social for posting too many promotional messages? It’s okay to use Facebook to market your services, however, do this occasionally. We recommend only posting promotional content once or twice a month.  

Check Your Page Frequently

The average response time for a brand to reply on social media to a user is 10 hours, while the average user will only wait four hours for a response. Posting three times a week on Facebook doesn’t mean you’re only logging in three times. You must login every day, multiple times per day. This will ensure you’re always on top of follower comments and messages and can provide prompt customer service when necessary. 

Provide Excellent Customer Service

People typically go to Facebook to submit customer service complaints when their attempts to reach out via phone or email have failed. That means it’s extremely important that you publicly respond with a personalized message to each and every post. 

In your response, you must recognize the issue and inform the person of the actions you’re taking to address it. If it’s a bigger issue that shouldn’t be discussed publicly, respond to their post by thanking them for reaching out and let them know that you’ll be sending them a direct message to personally discuss the issue in more detail.

Responding to complaints publicly shows that your business truly cares about its customers and residents, and will take action when issues arise. Doing this can help you win new business and retain current customers.

Stay tuned to next week’s post as we’ll cover how to start advertising on Facebook with the use of boosted posts.

Speaking of providing excellent customer service, we recently launched a guide with tips on what your property management companies can do to improve resident experience in the communities they manage. Download your free copy today!

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