Coping with COVID-19 Moving Trends

If you’re reading this article chances are you’ve been following along on this COVID-19 blog series. We’ve unpacked the current positing and what professionals are spectating within the markets. While the future of our markets is questionable, it’s essential to do everything in your power to keep your communities functioning. Within this blog we have found areas to focus your team and their efforts. These factors include concentrating on customer service, employing technology, and enhancing communication within your association. This will all help in retaining and gaining homeowners and their participation.

1.  Customer Service

–      “There is only one boss. The customer¢and he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.Sam Walton. Wow, isn’t that true. If you can’t keep your homeowners happy, how are you going to secure their position within your community?

–      We know that customer service makes our homeowners feel happy. When we place customer service as a top priority, they feel valued and take pride in where they choose to call home. We recommend taking a look at your customer service efforts as a whole during this time. Make this the key strategy for your team to focus on in the upcoming weeks.

2.  Technology

–      Everyone wants convenience and dependability. Now might be a good time to review the type of software your management office is or is not utilizing. You could be wasting time and resources in an area that a specific software could provide solutions for.

–      Application centered software’s are a great option for communities interested in providing solutions and connectivity to residents.

3.  Communication

–      There are a number of reasons that communication has been found as a building block of business. It builds and maintains relationships, contributes to growth, and ensures transparency. These are all attributes that will help your community in these trying times. Who would have thought by focusing on something so small, you could find success in a number of ways.

–      Continue producing newsletters! Not only does this maintain a good stream of information and updates to your community but it keeps some type of normalcy within your community.

Living with uncertainty can be stressful. It’s critical to consider how you personally feel with the unknown. Forbes has outlined a few ways to make peace, despite living with unknowns.

1.    Recognize your dislike of uncertainty

2.    Learn to sit with discomfort

3.    Focus on what you can control

4.    Build in a margin of safety

5.    Be skeptical of those who seem certain

Share these tips to make peace with your team members, and checkout the full article here!

By focusing your teams’ efforts on customer service, technology, and enhancing communication you’ll make the most out of this unfamiliar time. You want to check-in with your team members to make sure they are doing okay, living with unknowns can be taxing.  Target your efforts as a team and your associations will triumph over these negative trends. Nothing is guaranteed, how society will recover is all going to be determined in future months.  

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