April Release Notes for FRONTSTEPS Community

Our team is constantly making improvements to our software platforms. From fixing bugs to adding enhancements, our engineers are working behind the scenes to make the software you use on a daily basis more convenient and powerful.

These release notes are a way to keep our customers in the loop on what we’ve been working on, and what updates they can expect to see in the software platform. Several feature enhancements went live this month as part of our #YouAskedWeListened initiative. These enhancements are aimed at making the platform even easier to use. Here’s what’s new.

Restructured Navigation

We posted a teaser about the new navigation a couple weeks ago, and it’s officially live! Our UX Designer and Product team discovered through user testing that process of navigating throughout the platform was not as intuitive as we had hoped. We restructured the navigation in an accordion format, making it easy to find the specific feature you’re looking for. Plus, we renamed several of the features and categories based on customer feedback and more commonly used verbiage.

Recurring Events

Based on customer requests, we have now added the ability for community events to be set as recurring or all day. These events can be set to daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. When setting a timeframe for the recurring event, you have the option for it to never end, or to end on a certain date or after amount of time.

Calendar Printing

In February we announced that Managers could now print the community calendar by day, month, and year. We have now added the ability for Concierge, Directors, Owners, and Tenants to print the community calendar.

Community Directory

Directors can now opt-in to the community directory when you have the directory turned on for both owners and tenants.

We have also been making updates to the directory to further unify our Community and Secure platforms. Now name, email, primary phone number, and secondary phone number are unified between the two platforms. For communities with an accounting integration,  if a Manager updates any of this information in within their accounting platform and it sends it to FRONTSTEPS Community, it will update in Secure.

Add More Communities

We’ve made it easy for property management companies to setup new communities within FRONTSTEPS. On the Admin Dashboard, Managers will see the button, “Request Additional Communities.Simply click that button and a member of our team will be in touch to add new communities to your account.

Interested in learning more about our focus on making the platform even easier to use? Register for this week’s webinar with our Product team! They’ll be covering our #YouAskedWeListened initiative, as well as sharing recent product updates and future enhancements!

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