The Apple Watch Could Save Your Life

The Apple Watch is one piece of technology that continues to combine more and more features, while becoming more reliable.  Not only does the Apple Watch help you crush fitness goals and motivates you to move, but it now is offering live saving functionality. The Apple Watch can keep an eye on your heart, achieve fitness goals, and still allows for the customization that all users desire.   

Apple Watch is getting ready to venture into the largest clinical cardiovascular study. Apple has recently partnered with Johnson & Johnson to answer the question, “can you bring down the rate of a stroke in people with atrial fibrillation? The study will require users to wear the watch and track their heart beats utilizing the ECG app. This app has already had a number of success stories for warning users about irregular heartbeats, and urging them to go seek medical attention.

The Apple Watch has helped combat obesity. It combines health and fitness data, making it easy to view and track on their colorfully integrated Activity application. These rings track calories, exercise and stand time to keeps users motivated and aware of their fitness habits.  

Some say, “This is the workout partner that never fails to show./p>

There has been popularity surrounding Apples fall detection feature. From the elderly falling in their homes and triggering action, to a mountain biker falling on a trail and alerting help this functionality is has been rescuing individuals. The Apple watch also has functionality that calls emergency services. “Siri, call 911saved a mother and 9 month old, who were struck by a drunk driver late one night.

It’s pretty amazing that this technology is saving lives daily. Not only by keeping us on track to live healthy but helping us when horrible situations occur. No matter what stage of life you’re in there are benefits that this watch provides that can impact your life.

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