Developing Strong Customer Relations

A study completed in 2019 by Microsoft relieved that 59% of consumers have higher expectations for customer service than they did in 2017. It’s no surprise that serving homeowners is one of the most important duties of associations and management companies.

61% of users say that they have stopped using a provider in the past due to a poor customer service interaction. Hence, another reason why customer relations is so important. Retention!

Did you know there is a difference between Customer Relations and Customer Service? While both are extremely important, customer relations take a focus on how you’re proactively fostering the customers happiness and success.

According to HubSpot, “Customer relations describes the ways that a company will engage with its customers to improve the customer experience. This includes providing answers to short-term roadblocks as well as proactively creating long-term solutions that are geared towards customer success. Customer relations aims to create a mutually beneficial relationship with the customer that extends beyond the initial purchase./p>

No matter what line of work you’re in, you probably want to keep your customer happy. Customer Relation efforts are aimed at fostering customer success by consistently satisfying your customers needs.

Having Positive Customer Relations Build;

1. Customer Retention

2. Customer Satisfaction

3. Customer Loyalty

4. And More!

It might be a goal of your team to create as many positive customer relationships as possible. But, what does that really mean?

–      Positive customer relations are long-term, relationships between a customer and a company

–      These relationships are built by creating a trust between the two parties

–      These relationships include consistent quality and interaction

It’s essential that you strive to continuously build strong customer relations with clients. Having these strong customer relationships depend on constant interaction, you have to keep this at the forefront of your goals. This being one reason why many businesses have teams that solely focus on maintaining these relationships.

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