Addressing Speeding within your Community

Speeding within some communities can be a difficult situation to handle. Not only are these speeding violations dangerous but are a nuisance within your community. Don’t fear, as an homeowner or condominium association you have some things you can do to make your community more safe, and enforce these important rules.

– Communication

Address your community upfront, let them know that speeding is a serious issue and that accidents can occur by not obeying the speed limit. This notification should be broadcasted throughout your communities’ channels like newsletters, and portal announcements. You can even address this issue during board meetings, this will ensure that everyone within your community is aware of what is going on.

– Signage

In addition to communicating personally with the residents of your community, it’s important to make sure there is visible signage throughout the neighborhood. These signs should address speeding and reminding drivers to slow down. Signs that read “Children at Play” can also portray the same messaging.

– Traffic Strategies

Speed bumps can be an effective strategy! These bumps help reduce the speed of drivers, and can be placed in the areas that your community is having the most issues. It will take some time from the approval, and installation. However, these types of “traffic calming strategieshave been very effective.

– Impose Fines

Although your HOA can’t serve as the police, depending on your associations bylaws you may be able to impose fines for homeowners continuing to speed within your association. When imposing fines, you always have to remember you’ll only be able to send fines to homeowners, not visitors within your community.

– Speed Detection

Technology now allows organizations such as an HOA to utilize affordable speed detection devices. There are a few options you have when looking at these types of devices, some monitor speed (compared to the tools law enforcement uses). Another option would be a system that captures images of the vehicles that are speeding. You should always check with your city to make sure the devices are appropriate for your association to use.

Speeding is a hard situation to deal with. However, it’s important to address these issues as soon as possible to keep your homeowners and their loved ones safe. Make sure before enforcing any new rules that your bylaws ensure that the HOA has the legal rights to do so. Fixing and maintaining this issue can take some patience and time, but it’s best to implement a plan now to keep your community safe.

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